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Financial Planning

Financial Planning

At Moore Family Financial we customize each engagement to the client's unique financial situation.  No matter how we structure the engagement, a proposal will be provided to the prospective client beforehand to understand what the estimated cost will be.

We charge an hourly fee of $180.

The following is a non-comprehensive list of financial planning topics:

  • Pension Annuity Vs. Lump Sum
  • Savings to Meet Goals
  • Retirement Projections
  • Social Security Analysis
  • Long Term Care Insurance Review
  • Student Loan Review
  • Estate Plan Review
  • Cash Flow Management
  • Education Savings
  • Investment Allocation
  • Insurance Review
  • First Home Purchase
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Retirement Contributions
  • Debt Pay-Down
  • Employee Benefit Maximization
  • Rental Income Analysis

Please refer to Solutions page for more information on what areas a financial plan could cover, as well as a few specific areas of expertise.

Project-Based Financial Plan

 At the end of an engagement structured as a project-based plan, the client will have a complete financial plan to implement. We start by determining the scope of the plan, then gather data, discuss goals and outcomes, and ultimately deliver recommendations. Implementation rests on the shoulders of the client, and we recommend re-engaging with Moore Family Financial at least every three years in order to update and monitor progress.

The initial cost proposal will be based on the total scope of the plan and our hourly rate of $180. A typical financial plan costs between $1,500-$3,000.

Retainer/Ongoing Financial Planning

Our ongoing financial planning fee is based on our hourly rate of $180, billed quarterly.

Clients who select this option can expect a series of structured meetings throughout the year, as well as ongoing access to a financial advisor as situations arise and circumstances change.

Investment Advice (Heldaway Assets)

Moore Family Financial also provides investment advice for held-away assets structure as an ongoing fixed fee charged quarterly for those who prefer to manage their own portfolios.

The client will be provided with a cost proposal at the beginning of the engagement, and can expect regular annual review meeting as well as ongoing access to their financial advisor as questions regarding the assets arise.

Please see our Investment Management page for information regarding asset management.